I've just participated in my first 'real' craft fair, here in Asheville, land of craft fairs. I've been in two others in Iowa City, one set up by my friend Heather at Home Ec, and the other was the IC Book Fest, but I consider this one to be 'real' because I wasn't invited by my friend, and it wasn't a school event. The first two were definitely good practice runs for me - my table looked decent, I knew how to set up and take down efficiently, and I knew what to expect. Sadly, though, this one was a bit of a disappointment. It was an outdoor fair, and even though I was one of the lucky ones to get a table in the small space inside, the rain kept a lot of people away. Overall, not many shoppers, not many sales, and I'm left wondering if these craft fairs are really worth my time. There are a few more coming up, though, that are all indoors, and geared towards holiday shoppers. I'll try these, then I'll have some time to think about entering more before the spring fairs start popping up.